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Break 90 Blueprint: Your Roadmap to Consistent Golf

The Break 90 Blueprint course will take you through everything you need to know to start playing more consistent golf and break 90 every time you play.

You'll never shoot above 90 again.

Join 500+ golfers who have transformed their games and become more consistent golfers. It's time to shoot your lowest score ever.

Break 90 Blueprint is the complete system I used to shoot a career-low 64 from the back tees as a D1 college golfer. In this course, you'll learn to play more consistent golf, eliminate blow-up holes, find a swing pattern that works for YOU, and so much more.

You'll never shoot above 90 again.
Terry M. avatar
Pete R. avatar
Miguel Q. avatar
4.88 / 5 (from 500+ students)

Learn how to break 90 from a former D1 college golfer.

Hey there, my name is Zach. I'm the founder of The DIY Golfer and former college golfer. Over the years, I've helped thousands of golfers break 90 for the first time using this blueprint.

Here's me during my Senior season at Firestone Country Club knocking in my final putt of our home tournament.

Terry M. avatar
Pete R. avatar
Miguel Q. avatar
4.88 / 5 (from 500+ students)

Join 500+ students who have built consistent golf games and broken 90 for the first time.

Here's what past students are saying about the Break 90 Blueprint course.

Terry M. avatar

Terry M.

Before I took the Break 90 course I was shooting around 95 to 100 on my home course, a regulation par 72, 69.0/122 course. This is a course that I have played for 15 years. I felt that I should be better than that so I invested in the Break 90 course. Now a year later I am routinely breaking 90 and score in the 83 to 85 range most of the time.

Pete R. avatar

Pete R.

I can unreservedly recommend this course to all Club Golfers, it is a goldmine of useful information. You will be surprised by its breadth and will undoubtedly come away much more informed, and confident to approach your game (and practice), armed with the strategy and tools to coach yourself towards better more enjoyable golf.

Miguel Q. avatar

Miguel Q.

Out of the 25 strokes that I have shaved off my average round, the easiest ones came from the mental game. Never did I think course management, round focuses, routine and a few rules would have such a huge impact on my score. You really did a masterful job of teaching pre-round preparation and providing guidance on how to play focused yet relaxed golf to help me play my best.

Kevin C.

Had my most satisfying round last Sunday. 85, which tied my best score this year. What stood out was no triple bogeys and only 2 double bogeys. Your advice about chipping, routine, and rules made me more consistent. If I could have avoided my one penalty and 4 three putts I could have broken 80 for the first time!

Jason M.

The Break 90 Blueprint is exactly what I needed for my game. Going in, my game was a mess filled with bad swing thoughts, no system for improvement, and a lack of knowledge in many areas. This course really helped me understand the game of golf better and gave me drills and systems to use both on and off the course. I feel much more confident and broke 90 for the first time just a few weeks into the course!

Matt S.

I cannot thank you enough for the DIY Break 90 course. Over the 3 months I’ve been working with the system, I find myself making much more solid contact on a consistent basis. Up and downs are coming more easily. And I actually feel comfortable getting off the tee.

Ready to join 500+ students?

Unlock the Break 90 Blueprint course today and start improving your golf game.

Get instant access for $29.00

What will you learn in the Break 90 Blueprint course?

Here's a comprehensive overview of what's packed into this course.

01 Assess your game

Audit your current game

  • What areas of your golf swing need improvement?
  • Are you using the right equipment?
  • Do you have a pre-shot routine? Good course management? A solid mental game framework?
Section 1 featured image
02 Foundational Concepts

Learn the 5 Critical Skills of Golf

  • Learn the 5 skills that every golfer must master to play consistent golf
  • Understand why these skills are so important (and their relationship to other parts of the golf swing)
Section 2 featured image
03 100 Yards and In

Learn Short Game Essentials

  • Learn to hit basic chip and pitch shots
  • Learn how to escape the sand every time
  • Learn the basics of putting (lag and short putts)
Section 3 featured image
04 Course management

Play smarter golf

  • Learn Tiger's "quadrant strategy" and hit more greens in regulation
  • Eliminate your blow-up holes for good
  • Know when to "take your medicine" and when to go for it
Section 4 featured image
05 Your perfect takeaway

Start your golf swing right

  • Learn the two most common types of takeaways and figure out which one is best for you
  • Understand how the takeaway affects the rest of your swing
  • A few awesome takeaway drills that I use
Section 5 featured image
06 Top of the swing

Get to a powerful position at the top of your swing

  • Find answers to common questions (e.g. should the left arm be straight at the top?)
  • Learn how to get to a powerful position at the top of your swing
  • Discover what to look for on video at the top of your golf swing
Section 6 featured image
07 Mastering the transition move

Learn how to "drop it in the slot"

  • Learn the reason why most golfers fail to transition correctly and struggle with the "over-the-top" move
  • Understand the lower body and upper body's roles in the transition
Section 7 featured image
08 The moment of truth

Learn Impact and Release Fundamentals

  • Discover how your release action can influence your impact position
  • Understand why the flat lead wrist is so important for solid ball-striking
  • Learn how to practice the impact position
Section 8 featured image
09 Gain distance

Add power to your swing

  • Learn the 4 primary sources of power in the golf swing
  • Diagnose where you are losing power and use drills to fix it
Section 9 featured image
10 The mental game

Become a more confident golfer

  • Steal the mental game framework I used while playing D1 college golf
  • Learn how to manage your expectations, have more fun, and shoot lower scores
Section 10 featured image
11 busting golf myths

Is it good advice?

  • Discover the most common golf myths and why they're not true
  • Learn the basics of shaping your golf shots (fades, draws, etc.)
Section 11 featured image
12 Practice smarter

Learn how to practice golf

  • I walk you through the full practice routine I used as a D1 college golfer and offer modifications to fit your schedule
  • Learn what to focus on to improve
Section 12 featured image

Unlock the Break 90 Blueprint course today.

Get lifetime access to all updates.

Get instant access for $29.00

If you are a beginning to intermediate golfer trying to improve or an experienced golfer not satisfied with your performance, this course is for you. I fall into the experienced category and like to say that I have been learning to play golf for 50 years. I have never been better than I am now. I really enjoy the game more now because for the first time I understand why things work the way that they do.

Terry Martin

Former student of the Break 90 Blueprint course

Unlock the Break 90 Blueprint course instantly


  • 12 modules covering all areas of your game
  • Ongoing course updates
  • A lifetime of golf knowledge for less than 1 in-person lesson
  • Actionable strategies you can implement today
  • Drills library to reinforce concepts

More Success Stories

Discover how the Break 90 Blueprint course has helped even more golfers.

Richard J.

I would recommend your program to anyone who is serious about their golf, and willing to invest time on working on their swing.

David M.

I was blown away by the practical structure and detail of the lessons. In particular, the sessions focused on ball flight laws were eye-opening and helped me finally understand the exact reasons why my ball was slicing so often. Subsequent lessons gave me drills and tips to improve in this area.

Steve L.

The Break 90 Blueprint transformed my approach to practice. Before, I was aimlessly hitting balls at the range. Now, with Zach's structured practice plans, I'm seeing real improvement in my game. The short game section was particularly eye-opening - I've cut at least 5 strokes off my score just by improving my chipping and putting!

Mike H.

As a data-driven person, I loved how this course incorporated statistics and analysis into improving my game. The lesson on tracking key performance indicators was a game-changer. After three months, I've lowered my average score from 98 to 89, and I have concrete data showing exactly where I've improved.

Larry R.

The mental game portion of this course was worth the price alone. I used to get so frustrated on the course, but Zach's techniques for staying calm and focused have made golf enjoyable again. I'm not just scoring better - I'm having more fun too!

Tom W.

I was skeptical about an online golf course, but the video quality and detailed explanations won me over. The ability to rewatch lessons and practice drills at my own pace was invaluable. After completing the course, I've finally broken 90 consistently and even shot an 85 last week!

Eric C.

The course management strategies in this program were eye-opening. I never realized how much I was sabotaging myself with poor decision-making on the course. Now, I approach each hole with a solid plan, and it's reflected in my scores. I've gone from struggling to break 100 to consistently shooting in the low 90s.

Frequently asked questions

Who is this course for?

If you fall into any of the following categories, this course is for you.

  • You shoot in the 90s, or even 100s and you are tired of "quick tips" that get you nowhere
  • You shoot in the 80s but are wildly inconsistent and you struggle to diagnose your own game
  • You consider yourself an "inconsistent golfer"
  • You want to learn the "why" behind golf tips you hear online
  • You want to have more fun with golf!
Who are you? And why should I take golf advice from you?

I’m not a PGA Pro.

I’m a scratch golfer (I played D1 college golf at The University of Akron for 4 years) with a passion for learning and teaching the game to others.

If you’re worried about credentials, go elsewhere.

I’m here to teach you battle-tested, practical strategies for playing better golf.

I’m a student of the game, and in Break 90 in 90 Days, I share my notes with YOU.

What will I learn in this course?

This course is the complete package.

We start with an audit of your golf game and walk through everything you need to know about golf to shoot lower scores today.

That includes:

  • What equipment should you be using?
  • Skills that you MUST develop to be a consistent golfer
  • Basic shotmaking (chip, pitch, punch shot, irons, driver, etc.)
  • How to analyze your swing on video
  • How to practice golf (when you're crunched for time)
  • Mental game frameworks
  • Course management tips (e.g. how to "play smart")
Do I get lifetime access?


You pay once and get lifetime access to the course.

Additionally, you'll get all the updates I make to the course (and the training dashboard) in the future!

I don't have much time to practice. Will this course still help me?

You are not alone. MOST golfers taking this course have busy schedules and can only play or practice 1-3 times per week.

Break 90 in 90 Days provides you LIFETIME ACCESS to the material and is self-paced.

There is a structured lesson plan for those who want it, but can also be taken “buffet-style”, picking and choosing lessons to watch on your OWN TIME.

How is this course different?

While most courses fit you to a "one size fits all" golf swing, this course is personalized to YOUR unique game.

You will learn why things work how they do, so you can apply them to your UNIQUE swing.

This course helps you BREAK 90, which means in addition to swing lessons, you’ll learn course management, the mental game, short game, and so much more.

How long will the course take?

Despite the name, this course can be taken in as little as a few weeks all the way to the full 90 days. I recommend taking it slow and revisiting as needed, but the pace you take is totally up to YOU!

I've already broken 90 a few times. Is this course still worth it?

You will still LOVE this course.

I’ve had golfers who regularly shoot in 80s take this course and LOVE it. This course is great for anyone who is looking to build a solid foundation for their golf game.

I’m a scratch golfer myself and while making this course, even I was able to brush up on some KEY fundamentals that I had gotten away from and was able to improve my own game!

What if I already have a swing coach?

No problemo!

About 25% of students that have gone through this course work regularly with a swing coach.

I'm not here to argue with your instructor.

I'm here to teach you foundational concepts that will help you communicate better with your instructor.

Let's talk about blowup holes.

75% of golfers will NEVER break 90 in their lifetime.

So let me ask you a hypothetical question about YOUR GAME...

If I could grant you ONE SUPERPOWER for your next round, which gives you the BEST chance at breaking 90?

  • A) You hit 10/14 fairways
  • B) You hit 12/18 greens in regulation
  • C) Eliminate all 3-putts
  • D) Zero blow-up holes

I think I know your answer. It’s obvious, right?!

What if I guaranteed that in less than 90 days, with only 1-2 days of practice per week, you could add this superpower to your game and break 90 every round?

I'm going to take a WILD guess here...

For your "superpower", did you choose to eliminate blowup holes?

If you did... GREAT CHOICE.

If you didn't... Buckle up, we've got a LOT to talk about.

Years ago, I was a beginner at this game. I remember being TERRIFIED to hit my 3-wood because every swing felt like I would either chunk or top it.

And the driver? Not much better. I sliced the living daylights out of that thing for years.

The irons felt okay until... I caught a case of the shanks at my District qualifying tournament in high-school and fired a whopping 103.

That round left some serious mental scars. And if you're anything like I was, you can relate to this feeling.

It's the feeling of walking on the first tee hoping to have a "breakthrough", but secretly knowing that the blowup holes are just around the corner, and by hole 8, you'll be 15 over par with an army of destructive swing thoughts and ZERO strategies to make things better.

While I can't wave a magic wand and change your game overnight, I have good news.

With a few mindset shifts and some data-backed improvements to YOUR unique swing, you can turn this ship around.

I know this because I've been there and done it.

Remember that 103 I shot at my district qualifier?

One year later, at the SAME qualifier, and on the same course, I shot 79.

Here were the first 3 holes of that round:

  1. Quadruple bogey
  2. Bogey
  3. Double bogey

You read that right. I was 7 over par through 3 holes.

And then... I made 15-straight pars to shoot a 79.

This round taught me a very important lesson.

Blow up holes are OKAY if we don't let them ruin our round.

There is a good reason why Justin Thomas was so impressed with Steve Stricker's streak of double-bogey avoidance:

I know, I know...

We can't compare ourselves to the pros.

But I highlight this to illustrate the fact that even the pros have blowup holes on a frequent basis and deal with this painful part of golf.

Let me drop two truth-bombs on you now:

  • Blowup holes are EXPECTED
  • Perfect "bogey golf" is a MYTH.

What a sub-90 scorecard looks like

We've all heard this NONSENSE:

All you need to break 90 on a regulation, par 72 golf course is 17 bogeys and 1 par.

Simple for an armchair golf coach to say, but as players, we know this is NOT reality.

There will be double-bogeys.

There probably will be triple-bogeys.

There could be quadruple bogeys or worse.

Perfect bogey golf is RARE. Heck, I don't think I've ever seen a scorecard with 17 bogeys and 1 par.

Instead of playing perfect "bogey golf", you should be focusing on:

  1. Damage control - bogeys are WAYYY better than doubles, doubles are WAYYY better than triples, and triples are WAYYYYYY WAYYYY WAYYYY better than giving up (usually from embarrassment) and posting a 9 or 10 on the scorecard.
  2. A few good holes - you just need to make 3-6 pars, which usually come from those par 5s and par 3s! If you can throw a birdie in the mix, that's a BONUS!

Your PERSONALIZED roadmap to breaking 90

Everything I just said sounds simple, but I'm not going to sugarcoat things.

Golf is hard.

And when you're searching the internet for golf instruction, it gets even harder because most videos and courses teach a "cookie cutter", "one size fits all" golf swing.

But having worked with hundreds of golfers just like you, I've come to a humbling conclusion:

Every golfer is different, which means every LEARNING PATH is also different.

You may have a physical limitation or mobility issues.

You may have a "unique" swing (like Matthew Wolff, Jim Furyk, Bubba Watson, or Dustin Johnson) that you don't have any interest in changing.

You may prefer playing rather than practicing.

You may NOT have great practice facilities available to you.

You may prefer a "structured" lesson series OR... A "buffett style" collection of lessons.

I get it. And that's why at The DIY Golfer, my goal is to give you the tools and knowledge to "do it yourself".

My goal is to give you the convenience of online instruction while offering the personalization of in-person lessons.

The secret to breaking 90 every round

In just a few months, your future self is going to be laughing at your current self, wondering how on earth it once felt so difficult to break 90?

But seriously... Here's what one of my former students had to say after working with me:

Before I took the Break 90 course I was shooting around 95 to 100 on my home course, a regulation par 72, 69.0/122 course. This is a course that I have played for 15 years. I felt that I should be better than that so I invested in the Break 90 course. Now a year later I am routinely breaking 90 and score in the 83 to 85 range most of the time.

I’ve had countless golfers share similar stories, and as a golfer myself who has gone through the struggle of breaking 100, 90, 80, and even 70, these messages get me fired up every time! I love seeing golfers break those scoring barriers!

But each scoring barrier comes with different challenges.

As someone who has broken all of them (except 60!), here are my observations of WHAT IT TAKES to break through each barrier:

  • Breaking 100 - at this point, you’re in full-on learning mode, trying to survive out there.
  • Breaking 90 - YOU ARE HERE. And to break through, you must keep learning, but also start playing smarter golf shots, managing expectations, finding the right equipment, and most importantly, learning how YOUR swing works and what to do when it breaks.
  • Breaking 80 - very few golfers will break 80, but to join this group, you will need to combine course strategy with shotmaking and a bit more practice time.
  • Breaking 70 - you have to practice. A LOT.

Breaking 90 for the first time is a great accomplishment. But you’re looking to do it EVERY ROUND. Here are the things you need to make that happen:

  1. CONFIDENCE off the tee - you don’t need to be perfect, but you need a “go-to” shot that will put your golf ball in play consistently
  2. CONSISTENCY on approach shots - no pin-seeking required here, we just need to eliminate big misses and capitalize on those 80-140 yard approach shots from the middle of the fairway.
  3. GOOD ENOUGH short game - you don’t need to be Phil Mickelson here. You just need an arsenal of BASIC short game shots you can rely on to minimize damage.

Full Course Curriculum

Here is the full list of lessons in this course that you'll get access to immediately after purchasing.

Section 1 icon

The Full Game Audit

  • 01 The "Par" Method for Game Improvement
  • 02 Monday: The Equipment Audit
  • 03 Tuesday: Full Golf Swing Audit
  • 04 Wednesday: Mental Game Audit
  • 05 Friday: Week 1 Round Prep
  • 06 Sunday: Week 1 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 2 icon

The 5 Critical Skills of Golf

  • 01 Monday: Introduction (again) to the Fundamentals of Golf
  • 02 Monday: How to Grip the Golf Club
  • 03 Tuesday: Posture, Alignment, Ball Position and Routine
  • 04 Wednesday: The Steady Center (2-Lever model)
  • 05 Thursday: The Flat Left Wrist (flying wedges)
  • 06 Friday: The Square Putter Face and Week 2 Round Prep
  • 07 Sunday: Week 2 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 3 icon

Short Game Deep Dive

  • 01 Introduction: The Short Game Deep Dive
  • 02 Monday: Putting Deep Dive
  • 03 Tuesday: The Basic Chip Shot
  • 04 Wednesday: Pitching and Bunker Play (Stop Digging!)
  • 05 Thursday: Should I use a "landing spot"?
  • 06 Friday: Week 3 Round Prep
  • 07 Sunday: Week 3 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 4 icon

Course Management 101

  • 01 Monday: What Is Course Management?
  • 02 A Look into Tiger's Quadrant Strategy at the Masters
  • 03 Tuesday: Master the Punch Shot (Escape Trouble With Ease)
  • 04 Wednesday: 6-Iron or 7-Iron? Pick the Right Club
  • 05 Friday: Week 4 Round Prep
  • 06 Sunday: Week 4 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 5 icon

Mastering the Takeaway

  • 01 Monday: Introduction to the Full Swing
  • 02 Tuesday: Introduction to the Physics of the Golf Swing
  • 03 Wednesday: The 3 Types of Takeaways
  • 04 Thursday: Analyzing Your Takeaway on Video
  • 05 Friday: Week 5 Round Prep (focus on score while playing?)
  • 06 Sunday: Week 5 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 6 icon

Top of the Swing

  • 01 Introduction to the mid-backswing and top of swing
  • 02 Monday: The mid-backswing (p1 - p2)
  • 03 Tuesday: Lock and Load. Get Set for a Powerful Downswing (P2 - P4)
  • 04 Wednesday: Analyzing the Top of Your Swing on Video (P2 - P4)
  • 05 Friday: Week 6 Round Prep
  • 06 Sunday: Week 6 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 7 icon

Mastering the Transition

  • 01 Monday: Introduction and Why the Transition Is So Difficult in Golf
  • 02 Tuesday: Curing Your Over-The-Top Move With a Proper Transition
  • 03 Wednesday: Which Transition Drills are Effective?
  • 04 Thursday: Analyzing Your Transition on Video
  • 05 Friday: Week 7 Round Prep
  • 06 Sunday: Week 7 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 8 icon

Getting to Impact

  • 01 Monday: Introduction to the Impact Zone
  • 02 Monday: The "New" Ball Flight Laws (part 1/2)
  • 03 Monday: The "New" Ball Flight Laws (part 2/2)
  • 04 Tuesday: The 3 Release Actions (power vs. finesse)
  • 05 Wednesday: Analyzing Your Impact Position on Video
  • 06 Friday: Week 8 Round Prep
  • 07 Sunday: Week 8 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 9 icon

Build a Powerful Golf Swing

  • 01 Monday: Introduction to Powering the Golf Swing
  • 02 Monday: What are the "Power Accumulators"?
  • 03 Tuesday: Common Leaks of Power in the Golf Swing
  • 04 Wednesday: Finding Your Leaks of Power on Video
  • 05 Friday: Week 9 Round Prep
  • 06 Sunday: Week 9 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 10 icon

Your Mental Game Framework

  • 01 Monday: A Definition for the Mental Game of Golf
  • 02 Tuesday: Trusting Your Process to Shoot Lower Scores
  • 03 Wednesday: How the Subconscious Brain Influences Your Golf Game
  • 04 Thursday: Making Putts With Your Mind
  • 05 Friday: Week 10 Round Prep (and Mental Game Book Recommendations)
  • 06 Sunday: Week 10 Review (journaling exercise)
Section 11 icon

Golf Myths and other Topics

  • 01 Monday: Introduction to Miscellaneous Topics in Golf
  • 02 Monday: Should I Swing My Driver Different Than My Wedge?
  • 03 Tuesday: How to Hit Draws, Fades, and other Specialty Shots
  • 04 Wednesday: Handling Tricky Lies and Shots in Golf
  • 05 Friday: Week 11 Round Prep
  • 06 Sunday: Week 11 Review (real vs. conditional confidence)
Section 12 icon

How to Practice Golf Better

  • 01 Monday: The Four Types of Practice
  • 02 Tuesday: My Full Swing Practice Routine (as a D1 Collegiate Golfer)
  • 03 Wednesday: My Short Game Practice Routine
  • 04 Friday: My Putting Practice Routine
  • 05 Sunday: Week 12 Review and Course Wrap Up