Teams of two players compete. On each hole, the higher handicap player's net score is paired with the lower handicap player's net score to create a team score.

Points are awarded for various achievements on each hole, such as being the first to reach the green, closest approach shot, and being the first to hole out.

Teams of two players tee off, and opponents choose which ball the team must use for their next shot.

Players accumulate points based on their net scores (score minus handicap) on each hole.

Teams of two players compete, and the lower score between the partners is used. Bets are placed on the lower score for each hole.

Players rotate partners on each hole, resulting in different teams for every hole. Bets can be placed on each hole individually or on the overall outcome.

Players take turns being the "Wolf," who chooses a partner or plays against the other three players on each hole. Bets are placed on individual hole outcomes.

Players compete as partners against an opposing team. Scores of both partners are combined for a two-digit number.

A common betting game divided into three matches: front nine, back nine, and overall 18 holes. Bets are placed on each match separately.

Players compete for a "skin" on each hole. The player with the lowest score on a hole wins the skin.