This drill will help you learn how to release the club properly and feel the correct rotation of the wrists through impact.

This drill will help you learn how to shift your weight properly.

This drill will help you learn how to transition properly.

This drill will help you learn how to turn your shoulders properly.

To build a consistent golf swing, it is crucial to maintain great tempo and balance through the finish. Here's one of my favorite drills to achieve that.

The follow-through drill is an excellent way to learn both the proper weight shift and sequencing of the golf swing.

Want to learn what proper rotation feels like through the golf ball? Look no further than the feet together golf drill.

Here is a great golf swing drill that will help you learn how to start the downswing with the lower body properly.

The laser takeaway drill is the simplest and easiest way to learn what an "on-plane" takeaway feels like.