A "flat stick" is a common golf jargon that refers to a player's putter (a type of golf club). A putter's face is relatively flat, unlike other clubs.

In golf, "ball striking" is a phrase used to describe how well a golfer hits their irons and approach shots into the green.

"Drive for show, putt for dough" is a common phrase in golf that highlights the importance of putting in golf.

Our golf puns and jokes are on Par to Drive away the bogeys and Putt a smile on your face. Get ready Fore some tee-rific humor!

Grounding the club is when you set up to a shot and your club touches the ground behind the ball. This is not allowed in the bunker or hazards.

Also known as "playing the ball down", this means the golfer must hit the ball where it comes to rest, no matter how bad the lie is.

When a golfer yells "Fore", watch out, because a golf ball is about to land near you. Golfers use this phrase to alert other golfers of an incoming ball.

A "blow-up hole" refers to a hole where you shoot a much higher score than you generally would for that hole.

Hitting the big ball first is golf slang for chunking a shot. The "big ball" is the earth (ground) while the "little ball" is your golf ball.

Made famous by Phil Mickelson's social media accounts, "hitting bombs" refers to hitting the driver a far distance in golf and swinging hard.