Category: Golf Slang

Golf can be intimidating because of all the slang, phrases, and lingo you might come across. Here is what it all means in beginner terms!

Showing 11-17 of 17 posts

Golf Slang: "On a rope"

When a golfer says, "that shot was on a rope", it means they hit it perfectly straight, like a rope.

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Golf Slang: "Dead Hands"

When someone plays a "dead hands shot", it generally refers to a short game shot where they use as little wrist action as possible.

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Golf Slang: "Soft Hands"

When someone has "soft hands", that means that they have great feel around the greens and are good at chipping and pitching.

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Golf Slang: "Go-to Shot"

Golfers refer to their "go-to shot" as the type of shot they are most comfortable hitting, especially when they are a bit nervous.

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Golf Slang: Foot Wedge

A play on words, the "foot wedge" is where a golfer who dislikes his/her lie kicks the ball to a more favorable position. This is not legal to do in golf.

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Golf Slang: "Lip Out"

A lip out is when a putt rolls over the edge of the hole, almost goes in, then "lips out" and misses.

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Golf Slang: "You're Away"

"You're away" is golf slang which means you are the furthest from the hole and it is your turn to play.

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Showing 11-17 of 17 posts