Category: Golf Swing Fundamentals

Learn the basics of the golf swing starting from the grip, stance, and posture all the way to the transition and impact zone.

Showing 11-20 of 24 posts

Golf Swing Basics: How to make solid contact every time

In the golf swing basics series, I will show you how to build a consistent, reliable golf swing based on timeless principles.

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How to Swing on Plane in Golf (and why it matters)

Learn how the inclined plane works in golf and what being on plane means.

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Golf Takeaway: Start Your Swing Properly Every Time!

Learn the 2 most common types of takeaway movements—the right arm and one-piece takeaways. Start your golf swing properly and strike it solid!

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Golf Swing Tempo: Finding Your Perfect Rhythm

Every golfer has a different golf swing tempo. Some players swing it slow and smooth while others aggressively move through the ball.

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The Golf Waggle: Ben Hogan's Secret Weapon

The greatest golfers of all time had one thing in common—the golf waggle. Made famous by Hogan, here's what this subtle but crucial technique can do for you.

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The Perfect Golf Grip: An Easy, 5-Step Guide (with pictures)

Learn all the different possibilities for the golf grip, and how they may be affecting how powerful your swing is.

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What is Lag in Golf? (hint: it's why pros hit it so far)

Creating lag in the golf swing is essential for generating lots of power and consistency. In this post, I'll show you how to generate lag just like the pros.

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Golf Posture: Setup Perfectly Every Time

This post explores the various components of the setup in the golf swing, including posture, alignment, and weight distribution.

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The "Flying Wedges" and Wrist Movement Glossary

The flying wedges are a Golfing Machine concept that will help you make more solid contact every time.

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Golf Ball Position: Is it the same for everyone?

This post explores all of the factors which contribute to ball-position as well as some common misconceptions of ball position.

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Showing 11-20 of 24 posts