Category: Golf Mental Game

We've all heard the saying, golf is 99% mental. The mental game is a huge part of golf and should not be overlooked.

Showing 11-20 of 29 posts

The Most Important Shot in Golf is the Next One

Getting ahead of ourselves in golf is a common flaw, but deadly to golf scores. Here's how to fix that.

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The Ladder Analogy in Golf

Golf improvement is like none other. You practice one day and get worse the next. Recognizing this is critical to your success.

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What to do When your Golf Swing Leaves you Mid Round

When your swing leaves you in the middle of the round, is there a way to salvage the round? I think so, and here are my tips.

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The Day Golf Became Easier

A short essay on finding ways to enjoy golf more and shoot lower scores while you're at it!

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Simplify your Golf Game

There are so many shots you can hit, swing thoughts you can think, and clubs you can use, but simple golf is what this game is about.

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The Best Swing Thought in Golf

Okay, maybe it's not the only way to swing a club, but well worth a shot.

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Ian Poulter and the Ryder Cup

There is no better way to explain golf confidence than by looking at Ian Poulter's performance in the Ryder Cup.

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Swing Confidence vs. Real Confidence in Golf

If you are dependent on one piece of your game working exceptionally to shoot a good score, then you might be a victim of conditional confidence.

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How to Get Out of a Slump in Golf: 3 Winning Tactics

Learn how to shift your mindset in order to get out of a slump in golf.

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How To Use a Golf Journal

Learn why using a golf journal is important to your golfing success, how to use one, and other best practices.

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Showing 11-20 of 29 posts