Category: Golf Mental Game

We've all heard the saying, golf is 99% mental. The mental game is a huge part of golf and should not be overlooked.

Showing 21-29 of 29 posts

How to Break 80 in Golf: A Roadmap for Success

This post will walk you through the mindset of breaking 80, and in it, I will share my personal experience trying to break 80 and finally breaking through.

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3 Foot Putts: How to make them every time

I've been playing golf for over a decade competitively, and I still struggle to keep my head down on those 3-footers. Why is it so hard? Here's my take on it.

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5 Tips for Getting Your Game from the Range to the Course

Learn some advanced tips on how to get your great swing from the range to the golf course, and shoot lower scores.

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Here are 5 Reasons why you struggle to Break 90 in Golf

Most golfers never break 90 in their lives and for good reason; it's hard! As a former college golfer, here are some tips for breaking through this barrier!

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Meditation for Golf: Focus like Tiger

Discover the connection between golf and meditation, and how it can drop strokes off your game!

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Go Low in Golf: Are you Fearful of Shooting Under Par?

Learn the technique that allows you to conquer your fear of playing good golf once and for all!

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To Play Great Golf, STOP Thinking So Much.

Are you getting in your own way on the golf course? Here's how to fix it.

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My Favorite Instructional and Mental Game Books

Here are the 10 golf books that helped me shoot a career low 64, play D1 college golf, and start enjoying golf more. I know they'll help you too.

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How to Break 90 in Golf: 10 Tips to Transform Your Game

Breaking 90 is no easy task. As a former D1 college golfer, here are my top 10 tips to break through this scoring barrier.

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Showing 21-29 of 29 posts